Thursday, April 23, 2009

Golden Flare

I had a warm memory of winter in Canada. My sister and I went to our brother's place in Canada for our Christmas vacation. I thought I'm going back home without any nice picture from Alberta, but I was glad that I was wrong. I took this gorgeous sunset at around three in the afternoon. The sun was like a ball of fire that burst in the air scattering its golden rays on the scene. The snow was like shining gold glitters scattered over the icy ground. It was impressive because the sun was big and bright even though the temperature was below freezing. The black heavy clouds on that set were starting to take over the blue sky. It looks like I captured a magical moment that time.

This was shot at a shutter speed of 1/400 seconds with an aperture of f/22 and a focal length of 18mm. I took this picture handheld and I did not use any flash.

Here's the link for the picture.


  1. Will you be posting this photo of the "explosive sunset"? I would love to see what you saw.

  2. Yes, I will. And I will also include technical informations about the picture. Hopefully I could do it tonight or early tomorrow.

